Emma Hughes

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Dr Emma Hughes is a postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of Development Studies and Research Advisor Pacific at Massey University, New Zealand. Her research examines tourism and development issues from local perspectives. Her PhD in Development Studies investigated the impact of corporate community development in the tourism sector in Fiji, prioritising community and indigenous perspectives. This led to an examination of the role of the private sector and the Sustainable Development Goals, with Regina Scheyvens and Glenn Banks, and she is now researching the localisation of the Sustainable Development Goals in the Pacific.

Previous research has focused on indigenous activism and development in Egypt and New Zealand, leading to a co-edited book on the politics of indigeneity with anthropologist Sita Venkateswar and an examination of the role of marae in disaster responses in New Zealand. Prior to coming to Massey, Emma spent several years living in Egypt and working with local women’s rights groups in Egypt and East Africa addressing women’s rights and development issues.